It’s Go Time!

imageimageRemember that Seinfeld episode with the Mandelbaums? How they absolutely would not go down without a fight? That is what I have been thinking about as Katie goes through this horrible process.

Katie has had a few more bad days than good recently. But she is still fighting. Please keep praying for her, and for all of us. We really need it right now.

Above are a couple of pictures of Katie on good days. We want her to have those again.



8 thoughts on “It’s Go Time!

  1. You are such an inspiration, Katie! Love your smile, grit and determination! Pulling for you and sending LOTS OF PRAYERS your way. šŸ™‚

  2. Katie, you may not remember me but I used to dance with you at CPD. My best friend, Emily (last name was Reding) danced with us too and stumbled across this blog thanks to a mutual friend today. Sending many prayers, sunshine and a big hug your way.

  3. Hey KKBB, I feel very fortunate that I was able spend last weekend with you and your family. I and everyone else that I know in Canada are praying for you! I Love you my friend !!! Your Crazy Canadian friend

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